Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

EMS workout

2.7 mile run follow by 2 five stories towers: before work

EMS workout:

200 dumbbell push ups: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10

100 barbell dead lifts (100lbs barbell): 34, 33, 33

Stretching: 10 min

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Military Press

4.7 mile run: before work

Station 4 workout:

200 military presses with 35 lbs kettlebell (100 reps each hand)

Stretching: 10 min


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rings in the Fire Station

4 mile run: before work

At the station:

Warm up: 10 min

Pull ups on the rings: 2 x 4reps; 2 x 6 reps
Triceps dips on the rings: 4 x 10 reps
Inverted rows on the rings: 4 x 10 reps
Push ups on the rings: 4 x 10 reps

Olympic bar shoulder presses: 100 reps (34 + 33 + 33)

Stretching: 10 min


Day in Co. 4

Warm up: 10 min
1. Excercise bike: 25 min
2. Dumbbell push ups: 10> 15> 20 > 20> 15>10
3. Pull ups: 4 x 5 reps.

4. SCBA 15 min: housework

Cool down + stretching: 10 min


Friday, March 18, 2011

SCBA drill in Staion 2

Warm up: 10 min

Wear full PPE, start with full SCBA bottles (we had about 4300 psi), brake when SCBA Vibralert goes off, change SCBA bottle, and stop the drill when SCBA Vibralert goes off second time.

1. Stair climbing with tools (bundle of 3" or dry chem) - 3 story climb x 1
2. Stair climbing without tools - 3 story climb x 1
3. Crawl (about 60 feet)
4. Sledge hammer (16 lbs) chops 20x
5. Pike pool (30 lbs) - continue until your partner finish the sledge hammer station
6. SCBA presses (35 lbs) 20x
7. Ladder climb - continue until your partner finish the SCBA presses
8. Dummy carry (180 lbs) - 2 lengths of the garage bay

SCBA bottles change

Repeat stations 1 thru 8 one more time.

Stop time was 20 min.

Cool down: 10 min


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pressing the Beast - 106 lbs kettlebell

RKC Instructor Certification - Sep. 7-9, 2007

Upper body killer

Warm up: 10 min

1. Pull-ups x 6 reps/chin-ups x 6reps: 6 sets

2. Presses w/ 35lbs air pack: 3 x 50 reps

3. Push-ups w/ 35lbs air pack: 4 x 15 reps

4. Squats w/ 35lbs air pack: 3 x 50 reps

Cool down: 10 min


Friday, March 11, 2011

Basic SCBA drill + bonus SCBA drill

Basic SCBA drill

Check body weight in full PPE.
Check resting heart rate.

Start at 4000 psi

Station 1 - walking 5 min
Station 2 - stepping up 5 min
Station 3 - crawling 5 min
Station 4 - laying down 5 min

Stop after 20 min is up (check air consumption), or when the vibra alert goes off.
Check heart rate between each 5 min mark, and also on the end of 20 min SCBA drill.

Bonus SCBA drill

Start at 4500 psi

Station 1 - stair climb w/ bundle of 2 1/2 or dry chem - 2 min
Station 2 - hose drag and hose pull - 2 min
Station 3 - ladder climb - 2 min
Station 4 - 8 lbs sledge hammer chops - 2 min
Station 5 - farmers walk - 2 min
Station 6 - crawl w/ halligan - 2 min

Stop when vibra alert goes off or when you finish all 6 stations. Check air consumption and heart rate.

Cool down: 10 min


100/100 by Mike

Warm up: 10 min

15 push ups
Stairs #1
20 squats
Stairs #2
15 push ups
Stairs #3
20 squats
Stairs #4
15 push ups
Stairs #5
20 squats
Stairs #6
15 push ups
Stairs #7
20 squats
Stairs #8
15 push ups
Stairs #9
20 squats
Stairs #10
15 push ups
Stairs #11
10 push ups
Stairs #12

Alternate push ups and squats until you reach 100 reps for each exercise. Climb the stairs between (2 stories) with your air pack on and bundle of 2 1/2.

Abs: 10 min

Heavy bag: 10 min

Cool down: 10 min


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SCBA drill

Warm up: 10 min

Start at 4500 psi

1. Hose drag > hose pull 100lbs weight

2. Ladder climb

3. Sledge hammer chops 20x

Continue the circuit until vibra alert goes off.

My time was 11 min 45 sec. HR 150 bpm.

Cool down: 10 min


Strenght workout + stair climbing

Warm up: 10 min

Strenght workout 1hr with recruits follow by stair climbing (5x 5 story tower).

Cool down: 10 min


Same routine as "SCBA DRILL #1" except I had 4000psi and I stopped when my vibra alert went off. I also had more weight for dead lift station (about 135lbs). I last 13 min 5 sec. My HR was about 150bpm.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class B uniform WORKOUT

Abd crunches 15x
Superman 15x
Abd crunches 15x
Superman 15x

Push-ups on the Olympic Rings 4x15reps



Start at 2000 psi + timer on.

Dead lift w/ 100lbs 5x
Walk w/ 3" fire house bundle
Ladder climb
Pike pull w/ 45 bar 20x

Stop at 0 psi + timer off.


Easy SCBA Workout

Warm up: 10min
Start at 4000 psi + timer on.

1st circle: walk
2nd circle: walk + ladder climb
3rd circle: walk
4th circle: farmers walk w/ 2x25 DBs

Stop when vibra alarm goes off + timer off.

Cool down: 10 min