Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Strength Circuit

Warm up: 10 min

Kettlebell Turkish get up: 10 x R side follow by 10 x L side (38lbs kettlebell)

Abs: 3 sets of - 15 crunches follow by 15 leg raises

Strength Circuit:

jumping jacks

bench presses

kettlebell squats and shoulder pulls

wide grip pull downs behind the neck

dumbbell squats and push presses

dead lifts

lunges and biceps curls

3 circuits of above exercises, 30 sec work and 30 sec rest. Total time for circuit 21 min. Light weights.

Upper body circuit:
9 sets (3 circuits)for time of:

10 kettlebell towel biceps curls

10 kettlebell towel shoulder raises

10 kettlebell towel triceps extensions

Cool down: 10 min


1 comment:

  1. The Turkish get ups are definitely different. I can see how it really works your core though.
