Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Engine 2 functional workout

Shift 3, Engine Co.2 getting ready for functional workout.

Great job Co. 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

50 Pull ups 100 Presses 100 Push ups

50 Pull ups:

pull ups: 9 + 8 + 8
chin ups: 9 + 8 + 8

100 Log presses:

34 + 33 + 33

100 Push ups:

5 x 20

Thursday, November 24, 2011

75th Manchester Road Race

75th Manchester Road Race.

Total Course Length: 4.748 miles

The maximum number of registered runners was 15,000.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Strength Circuit

Warm up: 10 min

Kettlebell Turkish get up: 10 x R side follow by 10 x L side (38lbs kettlebell)

Abs: 3 sets of - 15 crunches follow by 15 leg raises

Strength Circuit:

jumping jacks

bench presses

kettlebell squats and shoulder pulls

wide grip pull downs behind the neck

dumbbell squats and push presses

dead lifts

lunges and biceps curls

3 circuits of above exercises, 30 sec work and 30 sec rest. Total time for circuit 21 min. Light weights.

Upper body circuit:
9 sets (3 circuits)for time of:

10 kettlebell towel biceps curls

10 kettlebell towel shoulder raises

10 kettlebell towel triceps extensions

Cool down: 10 min


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

75 Stories Stair Climb

At Connecticut Fire Academy:

1. Warm up: 10 min

2. Stair climb: 15 five stories tower (total 75 stories)
Mix towers: every step, every other, backward, with 2 1/2 bundle of hose, running, walking.

3. Cool down: 10 min


Monday, November 21, 2011

Violence Control Workout

Warm up: 10 min

Heavy Bag: 6 x 30 sec (rest between rounds 30 sec)
1 min rest
6 x 30 sec (s/a/a)

Boxing Mitts: 10 min

Jab-Cross Combination: 10 x 30 sec with two 5lbs DBs (rest between rounds 30 sec)

Abs - 3 sets of: 15 crunches follow by 15 leg raises

Cool down & stretching: 15 min

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cardio at Co.3

1. Warm up: 10 min
2. 3 sets of:

15 abd crunches
15 leg raises
15 lower back bridges

3. Treadmill: 30 min (5 min walk, 20 min run, 5 min walk)
4. Jump rope: 3 x 3 min (rest 1 min)
5. Shadow boxing 3 x 2 min (rest 1 min)
6. Cool down: 10 min


Strength & Endurance

Strength & Endurance Workout at Fire Academy

1 hr circuit workout follow by 2 towers (5 story).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

50 pull ups + 100 push ups

50 pull ups:

8 pull ups
8 chin ups
8 pull ups
8 chin ups

9 pull ups

9 chin ups

100 push ups:
34 + 33 + 33 reps

30 abs leg raises on pull up bar:
10 + 10 + 10 reps


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Functional training - SCBA drill

3 miles run in the morning

SCBA drill (functional training):

  • Deadlifts 5x of 110lbs DBs follow by farmer's walk with two 55lbs DBs

  • Two story stair climb with 2 1/2 inch bundle of hose

  • Sledge hammer 10lbs 20 x

  • 12ft ladder climb 2 x

  • Pike pool 20lbs 20 x

We continued the above routine until we used 2 bottles of air. We switched the bottles when vibralert went off. We ended up doing about 6-7 of this training circuits and we think it was pretty intense...


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little bit of boxing

Warm up: 10 min

1. 12 rounds on heavy bag: 30 sec work, 30 sec rest

2. 10 sets for time of
10 push ups

10 shoulder presses w/ two 15lbs DBs

10 4 count jumping jacks

Cool down: 10 min

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday at Co.1

Training bike: 20min intervals

Push ups on the rings: 4 x 10

Inverted rows on the rings: 4 x 10

Pull ups on the rings: 4 x 5

Knee raise on pull up bar: 4 x 15


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Quint 1 and Engine 4 Workout

3 miles run before shift.

While on duty:

Quint 1 and Engine 4 Workout:

3 Circuits of:

Offset pushup station- kettlebell or medicine ball
Pike pull station- 20lbs bar
Farmers walk station- 2x 55lbs DBs
Sledge hammer station- 10 lbs
Alternate hops on the bench station

Each station 1min 30 sec, rest between station 30 sec. Rest between circuits 1 min.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Cardio day

In the morning:

4 miles run after night shift

In the evening at Co.4:

25 min intervals on the training bike
3 x 15 knee raises on the pull up bar
3 x 30 shoulder shrugs w/ two 55lbs DBs

Stretching: 10 min

OT at Co. 2

Warm up: 10 min

Stair climb w/ 30lbs house bundle:

10 x two stories (total 20 stories)
20 push ups
2 x two stories
20 push ups
2 x two stories
20 push ups
2 x two stories
20 push ups
2 x two stories
20 push ups
2 x two stories (total 100 push ups + 20 stories)

Cool down: 10 min

Strength Workout

In the morning:

Circuit strength training in Fire Academy.

In the evening at Co. 1:

100 military presses w/ 45 Olympic bar-
4 sets of 25 reps

Shoulder shrugs w/ two 55lbs DBs-
3 sets of 30 reps

Weight holds w/ two 75lbs DBs-
1 set of 1 min 30 sec

Stretching: 10 min

Welcome Group 4, Co.1 workout

1. Warm up: 10 min

2. 10 set for time of:

10 push ups
10 shoulder presses w/ two 15lbs DBs
10 4 count jumping jacks

3. Farmers Walk

3 x 100 ft w/ two 55lbs DBs

4. Stair climb:

10 x two stories (total 20 stories)

6. Stretching + cool down: 15 min