Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Monday, September 26, 2011

Upper body workout

100 push-ups: 5 x 20 reps
30 pull-ups: 6 x 5 reps

Slow day in Co. 4. I just did some upper body workout.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

120 Push-ups + 10 Towers

Warm up: 10 min

120 Push-ups: 30 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 30
10 Towers

Cool down: 10 min

It is a 5 stories tower, and I alternated my climbs. First one I did every step, second one every other, and so on... until I climbed the tower 10 times.
Took me about 14 min to complete my set on the tower.
All together, it was a good workout.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

100 Push-ups + 100 Military Presses

2.5 miles run before my night shift.

At Co. 4:

Warm up: 10 min

3 sets of:

15 abd crunches
15 leg raises on the floor
10 leg raises on the pull up bar

5 sets for time of:

20 offset push-ups on medicine ball (10R + 10L)
20 military presses with 45lbs Olympic bar

Cool down & stretching: 10 min

The push-ups/military presses set smoked my upper body. I did late at night, about 10 p.m., and I did it for time. So it took me 10 min, and I ended up doing 100 push-ups and 100 military presses in pretty short amount of time. Give a shot.


3 miles ruh before my day shift.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fire Academy workout

Strength workout with recruits in Ct Fire Academy follow by two 5 stories towers.

Run + strength workout

4.5 miles run

Later on:

3 sets of: 15 abd crunches follow 15 leg raises.

10 sets for time of:

10 push ups
10 presses w/ 35lbs SCBA
10 four count jumping jacks

Monday, September 12, 2011

Run Day

6 miles run after my night shift in Fire and before my day shift in EMS.

We had 9min/mile pace. Good run. I was tired.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th Workout

5 K run in memory of Stephen Siller, FDNY.

343 Push-ups in memory of 343 FDNY Frirefighters who lost thier lives on 9/11/2001.

10 sets of 31 reps + 33 reps = 343

Saturday, September 10, 2011

4 Miles, 50 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups

4 miles run

50 Pull-ups: 9 > 8 > 8 > 9 > 8 > 8

100 Push-ups: 25 > 25 > 25 >25

Thursday, September 8, 2011

200 Military Presses

Night shift in 5's.

200 Military Presses w/ 45lbs Olympic bar.

That's how I broke it: 40 > 40 > 30 > 25 > 25 > 25 > 25.

Only 1 min break between sets.

Quick set, I did late at night, but it was good one. Give a shot.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

100 Push-ups/100 Presses/100 Jumping Jacks

3 sets of: 15 abd crunches follow by 15 leg raises.
My morning run: 6 miles.

Later on:

Warm up: 10 min

10 sets for time of:

10 push ups
10 shoulder presses w/ the 35lbs SCBA
10 4 count jumping jacks

Cool down: 10 min

I finished my 10 sets in 13 min 30 sec. I kept the same pace for all 10 sets.

Another quick 2 miles.

2 miles run.

Busy day, I only had a time for 2 miles. Easy pace, lot slower than yesterday... jogging...
But again, still better than 0 miles.

2 miles before EMS

2 miles run before EMS shift.

Quick run, but I had a pretty good pace. 2 miles it is better than 0 miles. I only had a 1/2 hr before my shift starts, so I run 20 min, 10 min for shower, and I was good to go.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

20 stories stair climb + 100 push ups w/ SCBA

3 miles run after the 1st night shift.

2nd night shift:

Warm up: 10 min
2 stories stair climb w/ SCBA: repeat twice; follow by 10 push ups w/ SCBA - repeat entire routine 10x, until you reach 20 stories and 100 push ups
Cool down: 10 min


Warm up: 10 min

1. Abd leg raises on the pull up bar: 3 x 10
2. 1 mile run.
3. Sprints, 60 yards for 80%: 10 times
4. 7 pull ups, 7 chin ups, 5 pull ups, 5 chin ups, 5 pull ups, 5 chin ups

Cool down: 10 min

3 miles run

Again, 3 miles before shift starts.