Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun in EMS

Warm up: 10 min

Pull ups 5 reps + chin ups 5 reps: repeat 3x
Rings inverted rows: 6 x 10 reps
Rings push ups: 6 x 15 reps
Triceps dips: 4 x 15 reps

Grip exercises:

7.5 lbs wrist roller: 3x > rest > repeat again
7.5 lbs wrist roller forearm flexions and extensions: 20x each
7.5 lbs wrist roller: 3x
Hanging on pull up bar: 1min
20 lbs wrist roller: 1x
40 lbs wrist roller: 1x

Cool down: 10 min


Slegde Hammer Workout

Warm up: 10 min

Chops: 100x (50R +50L)
Down swing: 50x (25R + 25L)
Side swing: 50x (25R +25L)
Wall breaching swing: 50x (25R +25L)
Bosu ball chops: 50x (25R + 25L)

Cool down + stretching: 10 min


Pressing the Quint

10 x Military Press the Quint


Run + Abs

3 mile run

15 abd crunches follow by 10 leg raises: repeat 3 x

Turkish Get Up

Warm up: 10 min

20 Turkigs Get Ups: 10x R + 10x L with 16kg kettlebell

15 Abd crunches follow by 10 leg raises: repeat 3x

Cool down + stretching: 10 min


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rings and squats

Warm up: 10 min


Pull ups: 6 x 5 reps

Inverted rows: 6 x 10 reps

Triceps dips: 6 x 10 reps Push ups: 6 x 15 reps

4 x 50 reps + 10 reps of bundle clean to the shoulder after each set of squats

Squats done with 35lbs air pack.

Bundle of 3" house is about 40lbs.

Cool down: 10 min
