Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 miles run

3 miles run before shift starts

Jogging day

Warm up: 10 min

3 x 10 leg raises on pull up bar
Jogging: 2 miles
3 x 20 push ups

Cool down: 10 min

CT Swat Challenge TCCC

Tacticlal Combat Casualty Care: 9 hrs class. Best training you can get!!!

Thanks Ben, Rich and Brian.

Tactical medic workout 2

Warm up: 10 min

1. Leg raises on pull up bar: 3x 10

2. 1/2 run follow by 3 sets of:
20 hops on 20'' bench
20 alternate jumps on 20" bench
follow by 1 mile run.

3. Different swings w/ the sledge hammer: 3 sets for 2 min, break 1 min.

4. Stair climbing w/ 35lbs SCBA and 45lbs hose bundle: 2 x 1.5min, break 1 min (during the break we were putting CAT tourniquets on)
5. Wheel barrel: 2 x 1.5 min (break: as above)
6. Farmers walk w/ two 53lbs kettlebells: 2 x 1.5min (break: as above)

7. Dead lifts on concrete blocks w/ two 72lbs kettlebells: 2 x 10reps
8. Alternate clean w/ two 38lbs kettlebells: 2 x 20 reps
9. Squats w/ 72lbs kettlebell: 3 x 10 reps

10. Heavy bag: 2 x 2 min
11. 10 squats and front kick follow by 20 straight punches w/ 6lbs dumbbells: 2 x 2 min
12. Ground and pound on the dummy: 2 x 2 min

13. Boxing dumbbell drill: 6 x 30 sec, break 30 sec (straight punches w/ two 4, 6 and 8lbs dumbbells)

Cool down: 10 min

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tactical medic workout

1. Warm up: 10 min

2. Leg raises on pull up bar: 3 x 10
3. 1.5 mile run (included 300 yards hill- Buena Vista Rd in W.H.)
4. Sledge hammer: 2 x 2 min (14 & 16lbs hammers into the tire)

5. Wheel barrel: 2 min (with logs). Rest 1 min (self placement CAT tourniquet on a leg)

6. Wheel barrel: 2 min. Rest 1 min (switch stations)
7. Stairs: 2 min (with 35lbs SCBA + 45lbs hose bundle). Rest 1 min (self placement CAT tourniquet on an arm)

8. Stairs: 2 min. Rest 1 min (switch statons)

9. 10x dead lift w/ two 72lbs kettlebells + 10x squat w/ 72lbs kettlebell
10. 20x alternate clean + 20x see saw press w/ two 38lbs kettlebells
11. 10x dead lift + 10x squat (same weights)
12. 20x alternate clean + 20x see saw press (same weights)

13. Heavy bag: 2 min (1 min rest between rounds)
14. Dummy: 2 min (ground punches on MMA mannequin)
15. Heavy bag: 2 min
16. Dummy: 2 min

17. 30 sec straight punches w/ two 4lbs dumbbells, rest 30 sec
30 sec straigth punches w/ two 6lbs dumbbells, rest 30 sec
Repeat above sequence three times.

18. Cool down: 10 min

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Strength workout

2.5 miles run before shift.

At Co. 3:

1. Warm up: 10 min

2. 3 sets: 15 abd crunches follow by 10 abd sit ups with KB over head (used 25 lbs kettlebell)
3. 20 Turkish get ups (10 for each side, used 35 lbs kettlebell)
4. 4 sets: 10 dead lifts (used 120 lbs bar)
5. 4 sets: 10 front squats (used 2 kettlebells, total 50 lbs)
6. 100 dumbbell push ups: 5 x 20 reps (1 min rest between sets)
7. 200 military presses: R 30 reps w/ 35lbs, 30 reps w/ 25 lbs, 40 reps w/ 20 lbs: repeat the same sequence on L side (if you need to rest during or between the sets, rest no longer than 30 sec.)

8. Cool down + stretching: 10 min

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Air pack military press

200 air pack military presses: 4 x 50 reps

After shift:
3 miles run

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Night shift

At work:

Warm up: 10 min

Abd crunches: 3 x 20
Lower back bridges: 3 x 20
Alternate abd crunches: 3 x 20

Push ups: 3 x 20
High push up position hold: 1 min > low push up position hold: 1 min > follow by 10 push ups
Triceps dips (on the chairs): 3 x 15

Stretching: 10 min

After a shift: 4.4 mile run