Manchester Fire Power

Manchester Fire Power

Monday, March 30, 2015

Upper Body Strength + 10 Towers

In the morning:

50 Push-ups follow by 10 Chin-ups
3 x 10 Triceps Dips

In the afternoon:

10 Towers*

Running towers (every other step) 5x

Walking towers with 30lbs SCBA (every other step) 5 x

* Tower - 5 story

Friday, March 27, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Co.1, Shift 1 Workout of the day

Run + Stair Climb

Morning Workout:

Warm up: 10 min

Abs + Core: 10 min

Run: 2 miles
Stair Climb: Tower 4x

Cool Down: 10 min

Evening Workout:

Swim: 35 laps